Animated Shorts

Animated shorts CaveLight Films created these powerful animated series to highlight the serious plight of animals while appealing to a broader audience. “Undercover Look into the Leather Industry” shares the horrific footage captured aboard a live animal transport ship where over 2 billion animals are shipped overseas to be brutally slaughtered for their flesh and…

Animal Lovers

Animal Lovers This video was created strictly for social commentary, highlighting inconsistencies of public sentiment towards animals vs. actual treatment. We asked ourselves two important questions while producing this video: Can you love animals and also eat them? And if you make it look like a viral video does that mean it automatically goes viral?…

Real Ad Campaign

Real Ad Campaign As part of The Animal Issue initiative, we created a pilot video highlighting glarring omissions in the advertisements of animal-based products. Essentially we updated this iconic fast food ad to portray a more truthful well-rounded commercial. The footage shown is borrowed from the sources below, who are all doing amazing work to…