We create in-depth, fast-paced viral content for big outlets that gets noticed.
How we do it
We are experts in telling powerful stories that reach a mass audience. Your company has important stories to tell and we can help you do so.
Is there a specific campaign, a difficult challenge or any noteworthy facet of your company that deserves mainstream attention?
We can tell that story and pitch it to our close contacts at NowThis, Discovery+ and other major outlets.
Our recent releases by the numbers:
- 55+ Million Views
- 300,000+ Reactions
- 200,000+ Comments
- 150,000+ Shares
*On average each doc has 10+ million views
Our Recent Docs
The Save Movement:
A heated but poignant debate is captured between activists and farmer outside a New Jersey slaughterhouse
The Fight to Ban Live Animal Markets:
Documenting 80+ wet markets in NYC during a global pandemic
We Are Their Voice | The Regan Russell Story:
A powerful doc about an activist killed while peacefully protesting animal ag in Toronto, CA
The Face of Fashion is Fear:
A short doc about what really happens to animals in the fashion industry